Our Educational Therapy and/OR academic tutoring program serve K-12 students who may have challenges in school with one or more subject areas and any Learning Difficulties.

Whether your child is facing difficulty in any learning areas and needs specialized guided instructions with reading, writing, math, learning English, organization skills, or homework, we tailor a program that is unique to each student.

We begin with a brief assessment of your child’s current skills and create an individualized plan to build upon current strengths and address weaknesses.

Students who qualify for educational therapy services will receive educational therapy services along with academic tutoring.

Students enrolling ONLY for academic tutoring will receive the tutoring services.

Educational Therapy sessions and Academic tutoring take place in a one-to-one setting or a small group based on the unique abilities and needs of the student.

Our staff will meet once a week with parents to share progress and referrals(if needed). We also include your child’s classroom teacher and other related services in planning and progress reports.


We provide Special Education advocacy services to students and their families regarding preparing and writing IEP and 504 Documents. Will also provide assistance in collaboratively preparing BIP.