Coding for kids – Few Game & Animation Projects by our students (Elementary and Middle school kids)

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35 Email TechNewsletters from Skillcrush
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Obama wants $4B to help students learn computer science
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Coding for kids – Few Game & Animation Projects by our students (Elementary and Middle school kids)

Animation showing skate board kick flip (work in progress)

Simple Game created for class project

Crab-cupcakes game is simple. Use arrow keys to move the crab right, left, up or down.

Gain points by eating cupcakes and watermelon pieces. Avoid donuts or its game over.

Click the green flag to start

Here is an example of an animation with elements like “Supermoon”, “Wolf “, and “Howling Sound” done by a 6 year old . The project took couple of hours to complete, from coming up with an idea, planning the elements to include in the video and then writing  assembling the code. This project is a good example of integration STEM and Arts.

(P.S. Turn down the volume as the howling might get too loud 🙂 )

Example #2 – Space Tour of our Solar System 

Kids will learn to code with fun hands-on projects.

They will learn to program their own characters, animations, sounds and special effects using kid-friendly Scratch™

technology developed by MIT. Children will come up with their own video or game idea, code it, and even publish it to

the web for all of their friends to play.